Open 7:30 to late, 7 days

Frequently asked questions & answers listed below. If you have another question, please ask via email [email protected]

Do you have disabled access to your restaurant?
Our restaurant has easy access for wheelchair bound patrons, right from the carpark to the restaurant. There is plenty of room to manoeuvre in the restaurant.
Do you have Vegan friendly items on the menu?
Yes, we have an extensive menu, catering to vegetarians, vegans. We cook everything in-house, so you can also make changes to your dishes if you wish.
Do you have onsite parking?
Hundreds of car-parks are available.
Are you dog friendly?
Yes, we are. We allow dogs in our outdoor dining area.
Can we bring our own cake for a birthday celebration?
Yes, you can bring your own cake, there is a cakeage charge of $2.00 per person.
Are you fully licensed or BYO?
We are a fully licensed venue. We have an extensive range of beers, wines, spirits, cocktails available. You are allowed to bring your own wine as well. The corkage charge is $5.00 per person. BYO wine for functions is not allowed.
Can you host a large function?
Barcella Restaurant Victoria Point is a large open plan venue. Inside the restaurant we can host over 100 guests in a cocktail style event and 80 seated. All up we can host 200 guests.